Kevin Waran

Hi there,

Here's who I am & what I do

I'm Kevin Waran, a third-year student at Ontario Tech with a passion for becoming a full stack developer. Experienced in frontend development, I'm dedicated to expanding my skills to cover both frontend and backend technologies.


Canadian Music Cooperative

Flick Firework


Chat Server

CHATAPI is a simple Java application that provides a custom implementation of a chat server using sockets. It allows users to create chat rooms and communicate within them in real time.

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Ecommerence Website

Experience the magic behind our site! Crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it's more than just fireworks. it's a digital celebration! Dive into seamless navigation, interactive features, and vibrant designs. Let's light up the web together!

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Rock Paper Scissor

Rock Paper Scissors game, crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Click to select your move, and challenge the computer to see who comes out on top. The classic rules apply: Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and Paper beats Rock. Your wins, losses, and ties are tallied up for added excitement. Ready to play?

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My Website

Explore a delightful coding project designed to showcase my experience in the field of computer science, along with the various projects I've completed throughout my journey. Discover the breadth of skills I have to offer while enjoying this engaging showcase of my capabilities.

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Tech Stack